Sunday, January 29, 2012


Most people in today’s generation have their lives tied with the internet. They spend most hours of their days surfing and interacting in file sharing and social internet sites. Imagine people’s life if there are none of these. Many would go to a revolution if specific sites would be blocked.
The U.S government proposed a law that wants to block internet sites that, The Protect IP Act (PIPA) and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). These proposed laws want to fight piracy and counterfeit goods. Websites cannot avoid pirated products or files that are uploaded on them because users of these websites have many copies that they can easily spread anywhere. These Two bills cause many bad effects on the society. These bills go against the people’s freedom of speech, if they block file sharing and social internet sites, many would become angry because they cannot share or propose whatever is on their minds.                                                                                                                                            

Some internet sites that the PIPA and the SOPA wants to block are Facebook, Youtube, and Google because these sites contain illegal files and sharing’s that users upload. These said sites have millions of users and subscribers around the world so if PIPA and SOPA blocked there site, millions of people will be against this acts. Most people already blogged about PIPA and SOPA, they want to stop the two bills. Many people are against these bills because it will affect their lives

Friday, May 27, 2011

History of Computer

In 1916 the word "computer" refers to a person who makes calculation and computations. Now the word computer portrays a machine that carries out computations. The first computer that i know is the "Abacus", the word abacus came from a Greek word  "abax" meaning a calculating table. It is made by the chinese to calculate billings. It is used for performing arithmetic processes.

Many people today who uses computer does not really know who made the object (Computer) that is making them entertained, specially teens. An english mathematician named Charles Babbage originated the concept of a programmable computer. He created the first mechanical computer that has led to many more complex designs. He is credited as the father of computers. 

5 Generations of Computers

1st generation
Computers in the 1940's uses vacuum tubes for data storage. This tubes is too enormous that it can take up an entire room. Computers in this generation uses great amount of electricity that generates a lot of heat that often cause malfunctions. UNIVAC and ENIAC are examples of the first generation computers that uses the machine language.

2nd generation

In this generation, the Transistor was invented. The transistor is more better than the vacuum tubes because it is more smaller and more energy efficient.  It still uses punch cards for inputs and printouts for outpurs.

3rd generation

Transistors in this generations was miniaturized and was placed on silicon chips, this results to a great increase of computers. Instead of using punched cards and printouts, a keyboard and a monitor was invented and the computer was interfaced with an OS that allows applications to run at one time. Again computer was made smaller and cheaper

4th generation
In this generation, microprocessors are created. Wires, memory output and input are put onto a small microchip. Central Processing Unit (CPU) and mouse and other handheld devices are invented in this generation. This generation of computer is small but more powerful than the other past generations. It can also access the internet and can link to other networks.

5th generation

This generation is the present-future of computers that we are using today. Many development is still ongoing, this computing device is based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Computers nowadays can make quantum computations. It can also self organize also can respond to natural languages.